Talks done and talks to come

I haven’t really been updating my blog lately because of time constraints. I do have a few interesting topics to write about, although some of those have already been converted to talks I want to give at conferences over the next few months (if I get accepted ofcourse).

About those talks : I gave a tutorial called ‘Caching and tuning fun for high scalability’ at phpBenelux in January. It was my first conference talk and I enjoyed it a lot.
So much in fact, that I submitted the same talk for Dyncon2011 in Stockholm in March, where I gave a slightly shorter, but probably much better talk (learned from some of the mistakes I made in the first talk). Slides of this talk can be found at Slideshare although waiting for the video recording might be better, since there’s a lot of stuff not being shown on the slides (such as the live benchmarks).
If you were there, feel free to rate my talk at : phpBenelux or Dyncon.

Mid-June I gave a Zend Webinar titled ‘Creating fast, dynamic ACLs in Zend Framework’, where I discussed alternatives to Zend_Acl using reflection and caching. I was happy to see more than 80 people watching the live webinar and got lots of interesting questions. The video is available on the Zend Webinar site. Any feedback most welcome via SpeakerRate.
I promised to publish the code for the ACL implementation and that’s still on my todo list. I hope to be able to do this by the end of July (don’t want to make unrealistic promises…).

In the coming months, I’ll be giving the caching and tuning tutorial at FrOSCon (with a new bonus feature near the end… a first glimpse of a new feature for Nginx) near Bonn, Germany in August and at PHP Tour in Lille, France in November.

I’m not entirely sure if I’ll attend Zendcon 2011 yet. Although I promised Michelangelo Van Dam to help out with the Unconference last year, I had to cancel my trip due to my grandmother passing away on the morning of departure. Maybe this year I can actually keep that promise (if I can find the budget).

9 thoughts on “Talks done and talks to come”

  1. well … you’re not the only one behind, I just got to listen to your webinar. well done!

    I am also looking forward to your posting the code and possibly some expansion of it as a result of some of the very good questions from the participating audience.

    1. Well, I’m trying to get the suggestions integrated, but it means rewriting a bunch of methods. No big problem, but it takes a bit longer than expected. I know a lot of people are waiting for the code, so bear with me for just a little longer and you’ll be able to plug the whole system into your site very easily… consider it free consulting.
      The code should be on Github by the end of next week. That way, everyone can improve and contribute, in the true spirit of open source !

  2. Hey Wim, I just saw the recorded version of the ACL webinar you did a couple months ago, any updates on the source code availability ? πŸ™‚


    1. Sorry about that, everyone. It’s been crazy ever since that talk. Or better yet : it’s been crazy since March or so. It’s number 2 on my todo list right now, so it should be there by mid-September. I’ll tweet and post here about it.

  3. Hello Wim,unfortunately your very interesting video still lacks source. What about your todolist? Do you plan to post your code in a few days?
    Btw Thanks for your video.

    1. Hi Fred,
      2 days before the talk I had a hard drive crash. In August I lost part of a disk and in September my brand-new boot SSD disk failed… turns out my Dell desktop was giving a little too much power to the disks. But all the trouble of reinstalling took most of my off-work time.
      However, since I would like to present the talk at the Zendcon Unconference in 2 weeks, the goal is to publish it by next weekend. In fact, I have an idea on how to make it very easy to install, but that’ll be a topic for discussion at Zendcon too πŸ˜‰
      Sorry about the delay, but it’s coming… real soon now πŸ˜‰

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